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We are currently not accepting submissions from new author's

General enquiry's and first contact.


Manuscript submissions.

No unsolicited manuscripts.

Fiction/Fantasy/Sci Fi/ Adventure/ Limited Fantasy Erotica stories only. (We do not publish Romance, Crime, Horror.)

There are exceptions to every rule, and in some cases we will consider Manuscripts of other Genre's
This must be done via a letter of introduction first, at which point we will make considerations and then contact you.

(In our current situation we are not seeking Vampire/Werewolves stories.)

Please follow the procedure below for submission of a manuscript.
Synopsis and first five chapters, (Word document only) with an introduction letter sent by Email only, to

Upon receipt, we will send you a confirmation email.

Whoever contacts you will be the person you will deal with throughout all dealings with VCP, and they will provide you with a new email address to submit your full manuscript should it be required to make a full and final decision. You will be guided through the process at each stage via your VCP contact.
Violet Circle Publishing © 2014